Impressum - Residence La Bercia in Ortisei

Publisher and owner


Via Passua 34 - 39040 - Castelrotto (BZ)
VAT: 01055320210
Tel: (0039) 0471 797 695
Mobile: (0039) 348 5816305

Concept & development:

Via Sneton, 17a - 39046 Ortisei (BZ)
VAT: 02296350214
Tel. (0039) 0471 78 64 80
Fax (0039) 0471 78 18 85

Content / links:

Internet Service™ emphasizes that it has no influence on the graphic content and on the planning of the page and / or linked websites (hyperlink) from the current site. It therefore assumes no responsibility and does not guarantee in any way the content, the incompleteness or the correctness of the texts of the pages and / or linked sites. The current web site may contain pages and / or sections editable by the owner of the site through CMS (Content Management System) system or systems especially programmed for which reason Internet Service™ is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such content.

Sending data / privacy:

Information under Article. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 on the processing of personal data and consent to the processing of data: the data collected on this site has the purpose of registering the person concerned and providing him with an information service about offers, prices and similar regarding the tourist destination / firm represented by this website. Providing such data, treated electronically, is optional; however, in the absence of this information, the data cannot be registered by the management. The subject may request updating, rectification and integration of incomplete or inaccurate data, and cancellation when the treatment is in violation of laws or regulations, in addition to other faculties provided for by art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, by contacting the data controller of the current website.


Internet Service™ does not pursue any activity of hotel booking under their own responsibility. Through the reservation is a relationship is established which applies only to the Internet user and the tourist structure chosen.

Texts/ photos:

The photos and texts on current pages are provided by the owner of the website. Some photos used for the realization of this site may have been taken from the photographic Internet Service™.